If everyone worked the 12 steps, the world would be a much nicer place.

The steps are helpful for living a rich and fulfilling life, not just for quitting an addictive behavior.

We are all in this together.

12 Steps Connection to the Bible

The Christian Roots of the Twelve Steps

The History of AA and the Biblical Links

The History of Alcoholics Anonymous

AA started because of a meeting with Dr. Bob and Bill W.  in Akron, OH in 1935

  • Need a spiritual awakening

  • Need other alcoholics

  • Understand it’s a disease

  • Brutal honesty

  • Turn your life over to God

The Oxford Group

Started in 1919 by missionary Frank Buchman realized that total forgiveness was the answer.

Hugely popular and successful in the 1930’s 

Move of the spirit of God

Went onto become a worldwide peace-making organization called  Initiatives of Change..

Steps to Life Implementation

The 12 steps of AA coupled with the fellowship of AA-total honesty, community of one alcoholic helping another, and humility is something everyone can benefit from. Everything points back to Christ and how He wants us to be.

You are not alone.

Other Resources We Recommend

Practicing the Way

A practical guide to following Jesus.

The Big Book

of Alcoholics Anonymous

The Life Recovery Workbook: A Biblical Guide through the Twelve Steps

Code Grape Culture

For women

Every girl should have a tribe of women to support her.